Latest from KhartoumLeaks: Sudan Security Meeting – 2018-11-18 – Khartoum

Minutes of Deliberations of the Meeting between the Chairman of the National Congress, The Chief Negotiator for the Two Areas and the Military and Security Committee for Negotiation support and alternative substitutes held in the National Congress Chairman’s Office on 18/11/2018.

Sudan Security Meeting – 2018-11-18 – Khartoum (Arabic)

Minutes of Deliberations of the Meeting between the Chairman of the National Congress, The Chief Negotiator for the Two Areas and the Military and Security Committee for Negotiation support and alternative substitutes held in the National Congress Chairman’s Office on 18/11/2018.

SudanSecurityMeeting  –  Downloadable PDF file.


Sudan Security Meeting – 2018-11-18 – Khartoum (English)

Minutes of Deliberations of the Meeting between the Chairman of the National Congress, The Chief Negotiator for the Two Areas and the Military and Security Committee for Negotiation support and alternative substitutes held in the National Congress Chairman’s Office on 18/11/2018.

SUDAN SECURITY MEETING  –  Downloadable PDF file.


Sudan Security Meeting – 2018-11-18 – Khartoum (commentary)

Inside the Islamists’ Dark Chambers in Sudan.

The True Nature of A State Sponsoring Terrorism

Commentary on the Minutes of Deliberations of the Meeting between the Chairman of the National Congress, The Chief Negotiator for the Two Areas and the Military and Security Committee for Negotiation support and alternative substitutes held in the National Congress Chairman’s Office on 18/11/2018.

SSMcommentary   –  Downloadable PDF file.


The Not-So-Secret-Anymore Plan


and the Arabic original…


The first New English Review article.

The second New English Review article.


Don’t ask how we got this.  Instead, honor the sacrifice of those who gave their lives so that others might live.



Update:  Bad little boy got caught so he throws a tantrum.

( With his usual braggadocio, and much more than the usual anger, Bashir says that he takes command of no one only God… that he kneels down for no one only God. … “US, Great Britain, France and Europe are all under my shoes.”)